Very, very good news...
This evening my wife and I jogged down to the track where she would time my mile run. My plan was to run a sub 5:15 mile tonight, then go for sub 5:00 on Monday, August 31.
All day I had been nervous, and before I started the run I was even more so. I jogged two laps to loosen up, then did a couple short sprints. My wife was getting bored, so I had to get over to the starting line and get going. Plus it was getting pretty dark.
I counseled her on shouting out my lap times, then lined up and and waited for her to say "go." I pushed hard my first lap, knowing a good time would save me seconds on my next two laps.
Apparently my wife didn't know she needed to actually shout my lap times, because I couldn't hear her say my time after the first lap. Heavy footsteps and breathing cancels out a lot of noise.
My pace through lap two felt great, but again, as I passed through the end of the lap I couldn't hear my wife say my time. I yelled for it, and I thought she said 2:17. If it was true, I knew I could do it.
Lap three, which I thought would be the most grueling, actually felt pretty good. My stride felt very efficient and my breathing capable.
At the end of lap three I heard 3:35 or 3:45. I couldn't tell which one my wife had said, but I knew I could meet my goal even if it was the latter. Assuming the latter, I put my all into the last lap. At the 200M mark I amped up for an all-out sprint. I was worried my legs would give out early as my muscles lost all energy, but the thought of meeting my goal kept me going full bore.
I crossed the finish line and collapsed on the track. My wife walked over to me and read my time. 4:46.8. I managed to pull myself up and we took a victory lap in the dark, in front of empty bleachers.
So... I guess that's it.