I ran some in high school--never had a ton of success, but I did place respectively at a few meets. Running wasn't my first sport of choice, however (I know it's a stretch calling running a sport, but if bass fishing is... ).
I would have liked to have played basketball, but I knew I didn't have a snowball's chance in heck of making the team. So my sophomore year I tried out for soccer, but was cut right before the first game. I figured I wasn't cut for my ability to run the field; I was cut for my ability handle a ball
while running the field. And I was a freaking nerd.
Naturally, I moved onto something that didn't require shooting, passing, thinking, etc., something that only required running. I dabbled in track and cross country through my senior year.
I never really ran the mile; I went for longer distance. My one regret, though, is that I never ran a mile in under five minutes. My best time, as far as I remember, was 5:20.
Here I am now, almost 10 years later, attempting to take care of unfinished business (not of making a soccer team). People say a goal isn't a goal until it's written down. I guess now it's a super goal, because it's written down AND published on the world wide web.
Right now I've been running about two times a week, no more than three miles each run. And I'm drinking a lot of Dr. Pepper. About a month ago, I wasn't running at all. So I'm just gettin' back into the swing of things. My hope is to be at 4:59 two months from now (Aug 31, 2009).
This blog will follow my success or failure. I'll report on my training sessions. I'll summarize my Dr. Pepper withdrawal symptoms. Think of it as a reality TV show, but in the form of blog posts and without a bachelor or ditzy girl(s).
Wish me luck, internets.