Tonight I went out for good ol' fashioned run through the neighborhood.
My time was 29:49 on a 4-mile run; certainly not a fast pace, but I wasn't really going for that. It's actually the longest run I've gone on since I started my training, and I think doing more 4 or 5-mile runs could help my endurance.
I'd be lying if I said I wasn't worried about meeting my goal by the end of next month... or ever. In my mind it still seems plausible, but when I run a short distance at a 5-minute mile pace it seems pretty far away. What baffles me most is the people that can run a mile under 4 minutes. After the little training I've done, that just seems impossible.
Random mile trivia:
The first high school runner to break the 4-minute mile was Jim Ryun in 1964. He did it five times. After his running career he served as a member of the U.S. House of Representatives, representing Kansas.
keep a goin' boy, you'll get there.